Real Name:- Sajjad
Age/D.O.B:- 16
Country:- Pakistan
Timezone:- gmt 5+
Game, which you play:- vcmp
Current Nickname:- A.K.C^
Previous Nicknames:- nope
Playing Since [ Share us your VC:MP History ]:- playing vcmp since 1.5 years,
i started playing from LW later than i join EC also i play vccnr
Server's You are mostly online in:- LW, VCCNR, EC
Previous Clan(s):- nope
Reason for Leaving your Previous Clan(s):- i haven't joined any clan yet
Are you banned in any server?:- nope
Why do you wish to join Unique Force?:- I want to join this clan because it is an old clan of vcmp with very good and friendly players. UF members are very friendly,skilled and matured.I always wanted to join Unique Force .I'll do my best to make UF feel proud on me and will try my best to make the clan reputation high as always
Have you applied in UF before? [ if so, explain what improvements have you made. ]:- nope
Additional Information:- i know, UF will be my first clan and i'll make it last, i've enough experience about clans hope i'll get a chance to prove my skills/loyalty and won't let you down forsure
thank you so much for giving the time to my app