Real Name:- Zohaib
Age/D.O.B:- 18
Country:- Pakistan
Timezone:- gmt 5+
Game, which you play:- vcmp
Current Nickname:- Psycho.
Previous Nicknames:- CpT.PRICE
Playing Since [ Share us your VC:MP History ]:- playing vcmp since 2016
i started playing at the end of 2016 and after few months i went on inactivity for studies and some personal fam matters and came back again after few months,
Server's You are mostly online in:- LW , CTF , VCCNR, EC, PTP Empire Gaming,
Previous Clan(s):- Nope
Reason for Leaving your Previous Clan(s):- i didn't join any clan
Are you banned in any server?:- nope
Why do you wish to join Unique Force?:- well the members of this clan are friendly and helpful i love the unity of this clan and wish to be part of this powerful and skilled clan to help them in cw event/tournament
Have you applied in UF before? [ if so, explain what improvements have you made. ]:- nope
Additional Information:- i found UF a active and skilled clan in vcmp members are friendly they always help whenever i need them i just want to sped my vcmp life with them to help them and improve myself my english etc
i was invited by my real life 552N hope will get a chance to prove myself my loyalty/skills
thank you for your attention