Real Name:- Sheroz Rajput
Age/D.O.B:- Currently 18 years old
Country:- Pakistan
Timezone:- GMT+5
Game, which you play:- VC-MP
Current Nickname:- JiNX
Previous Nicknames:- Mercury, BullDoG , asdaf, etc.
Playing Since [ Share us your VC:MP History ]:- I have been playing VC-MP since 2017.I've great skills and experience in wars and in other leagues.My first clan was ON, but due to some issues with leader I left from it.After some weeks, I joined KF clan but I did't find myself suitable there therefore I decided to left from it.
Server's You are mostly online in:- VCCNR, EC, RTV, CTF and EAD.
Previous Clan(s):- ON and KF.
Reason for Leaving your Previous Clan(s):- ON - Some issues with leader as you know.
KF - It wasn't fit for me.
Are you banned in any server?:- No.
Why do you wish to join Unique Force?:- Actually, I was invited by Dizaster and Sezar but as 'Sezar' left from the clan.
Each day I improve my skills and attitude.I really would like to be part of the clan and help.It's seems the most good clan give chances act like the best I want to recover my miserable past it was the worst and I'm trying to fix it and to be more nicer and have a good attitude.
Sometime I was thinking to join a clan which has members who have a nice attitude and can be admirable and I found this clan. I really have some personal interest to join this clan and also I like to socialize with new persons.
Have you applied in UF before? [ if so, explain what improvements have you made. ]:- No.
Additional Information:- Have a nice day.