Real Name: Idk
Current Nickname: MaDdY
Previous Nicknames: RhInOX, IpHoNe
idk rest
D.O.B/Age: i born on 2015/12/10
Country: i AM A VArY ReLeGiOUS PeRsOn xD I from InDiA xD
VC-MP Experience: i StaRT plAyInG GaMe tOdAy
Previous Clans: ULK DU DnA VU aNd AlL oFFiCIaL cLaNs xD
Reason of leaving your previous Clans: aLL cLaN is VaRy gUd, bUt I nuUb thArE, sO i lEfT aLL xD
Reason for joining us: nYce cLaN WiTh aLL pROs
, i WiLL fUllFilLed^ aLl the ClAn NeEdS, I pRomIse i bE pRo iN thIaS cLaN. I'M vArrY SaXY
Additional Information: I fAiLeD iN MaTH 5 TiMeS xD, I dO nOt kNoW aDdItoNaL, if I aCcEpT, i WiLl bE pRo 8)