Real Name:- Ali Raza
Age/D.O.B:- I'm Currently 17 years old
Country:- Pakistan
Timezone:- +5GMT
Game, which you play:- VC-MP
Current Nickname:- Zig, Hehehe
Previous Nicknames:- K.29 | [DmC]Ultron | [DmC_R]JaxX | [ON]FiBer,
Playing Since [ Share us your VC:MP History ]:- I have been around the VC-MP establishment since around 2016.
However,took many breaks from the game But now I'm back here and I'll spend my time with VC-MP.
Server's You are mostly online in:- VL | LW | EC | Vks
Previous Clan(s):- DmC | ON
Reason for Leaving your Previous Clan(s):- DmC: Lake communication, ON: Becoming Hacker.
Are you banned in any server?:- ''Yes'' | EC | for using spead tool.
Why do you wish to join Unique Force?:- I want to become a part of UF members and they have great skills in Wars and I wanna see how they though a plan in battles and team working.I found many friends here and learned from them how they team work with members. I'll try to spend my time with them in different servers like A/D and DM.Most of you already know me quite well, Although I'm glad to have been this opportunity within specific part of this application to become a part of this.
Have you applied in UF before? [ if so, explain what improvements have you made. ]:- No
Additional Information:- If you have any question which is related about it you can ask me.