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Topics - AwaiX

Pages: [1]
Screenshots/Videos / Shykh vs Awaix.
« on: October 14, 2016, 08:25:34 pm »

Denied Applications / DENIED Application - aWaIx
« on: August 29, 2016, 02:42:31 pm »
Which game do you play? [ VC:MP or SA:MP ]: VCMP

Real Name: Awais Khalid

Current Nickname: aWaIx

Previous Nicknames: aWaIX

How old are you: 14

Country: Pakistan

Servers you mostly play on: EC,CTF

VC-MP Experience: I'm playing vcmp since sep 2015

Previous Clans: NYB, CF

Reason of leaving your previous Clans: NYB: The leader of the clan started to put noobs in the clan which cause my reputation down so I resigned.
CF: The behavior of the leader was not good with the players.

Reason for joining us: I saw many of the UF players. All of them are pro's. Clan is respectful and honorable. This clan have a good reputation in VCMP. Many of the friends here. Many of the players saw me playing and they know my personality. I can prefer much things to this clan like I can help in clan wars, fights, in defending clan mates and much much more.

Additional Information: Regards.

Sound System / English songs.!
« on: July 20, 2016, 12:57:41 pm »

Pages: [1]