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Messages - m4t

Pages: [1]
Denied Applications / Re: Clan Application - Femash
« on: November 23, 2018, 05:00:22 am »
good luck ! femash

Denied Applications / Re: [DENIED]Clan Application - m4t
« on: October 31, 2018, 07:57:30 pm »
Sorry spiller that's not dot that got i had mistake when i had typing fast.

Denied Applications / [DENIED]Clan Application - m4t
« on: October 31, 2018, 06:09:11 pm »

Real Name:- Mfourt Zayler

Age/D.O.B:- 21

Country:- Nepal

Timezone:- (GMT+5)


Game, which you play:- VC:MP

Current Nickname:- m4t

Previous Nicknames:- m4t / TM / mfourt /Gentleman_205

Playing Since [ Share us your VC:MP History ]:- Hi UF member i am m4t and i have play game since 2015 and i love vcmp game mod .

Server's You are mostly online in:- EC server

Previous Clan(s):- LF

Reason for Leaving your Previous Clan(s):- Noob clan and no more member .

Are you banned in any server?:- Yes in littlewhiteys server.


Why do you wish to join Unique Force?:- I have wish i got be part  in this clan and get accepted after that i cant left this clan.

Have you applied in UF before? [ if so, explain what improvements have you made. ]:- Yes but i have dot denied and that time i have no more improvement  english skills and now i am perfect .


Additional Information:- Previously, my application was get denied and now i am re-post application that time i had  made mistake thatwise   i had already showed my interest towards UF even applied for 2 times in last few decades but i think that should be enough to proves a lot that i need a chance to show my loyalty/faith sympthy whatever you name it towards uf , after getting denied i had worked on the school which UF needs in me. now i am improved thanks for read my application.

Screenshots/Videos / Re: Post your spree!
« on: October 17, 2018, 03:25:07 pm »
my highest spree was 55 and when i take screenshot pc was shotdown :(  :)

Vice City And VC-MP Discussion / Re: [0.4] littlewhitey's VC-MP Server
« on: October 17, 2018, 12:59:10 pm »
i am ban in lw server thatwise i am not aayush and i want rejoin this server why all admin member think me aayush ? and lw is great server.

Denied Applications / Re: Clan Application - m4t
« on: October 17, 2018, 11:56:51 am »
Sezaro dont copy and paste its cause my application.

Denied Applications / Re: Clan Application - MaD_Nin[J]a
« on: October 17, 2018, 11:33:40 am »
accepted as leader you and we don't abuse you xd

Screenshots/Videos / Re: Post your spree!
« on: October 12, 2018, 03:03:44 pm »
spree coming soon !

Denied Applications / Re: Clan Application - m4t
« on: October 12, 2018, 02:47:05 pm »
ty sezaro

Denied Applications / Re: Clan Application - m4t
« on: October 12, 2018, 10:51:41 am »
please accept me i want join clan and want change my name m4t to =UFr=m4t

Denied Applications / Re: Clan Application - m4t
« on: October 10, 2018, 02:43:21 pm »
Thanks All ! And sry for that mistake please,.....

Denied Applications / Re: Clan Application - m4t
« on: October 10, 2018, 01:39:39 pm »
i have decided to join clan UF then i never forgot in my whole life and my new name Gentleman_205

Denied Applications / Clan Application - m4t
« on: October 10, 2018, 01:04:30 pm »
Real Name:-mfourt zayler   
Game, which you play [ VC:MP or SA:MP ]:-   VCMP
Current Nickname [ in-game name ]:-m4t    
Previous Nicknames [ in-game previous names ]:-m4t   
Playing Since [ You may also tell us about your Game History here ]:-   i am playing from 2016
Server's You are mostly online in:-   EC Server
 Previous Clan(s) [ if exists. If not, type none. ]:-LF Legend Fighter   
 Reason for Leaving your Previous Clan(s) [ Type none, if you do not have past clan(s) ]:-   i dont like that clan noob clan
 Are you banned in any server? [ if so, state reason. If not, type no. ]:-   littlewhiteys server
 Why do you wish to join Unique Force?[ at least 50 words ]:i will wish i am accepted this clan and thankfull for UF Team   
 Have you applied in UF before? [ if so, explain what improvements have you made. If not, type no. ]:-no   
Additional Info:- Previously, my application was denied because many of the members from UF were not acquainted with me. So, I decided

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