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Messages - Thakur

Pages: [1]
Denied Applications / [Locked] - Thakur^ application
« on: October 08, 2017, 02:19:51 pm »
1.- Personal Information:

Real Name:- M.hussain

Age/D.O.B:- 17 years
Country:- Pakistan

Timezone:- +5:00

2.- Game Experience: 3years

Game which you play:- VCMP

Current Nickname:- Thakur^

Previous Nickname:- FAN^ Captian BiLaW

Playing Since:- I starting playing Vcmp in 2014.

Servers you are moslty online in:- LW,EC,VKs

Previous Clan:- DX TNC TnA

Reason For leaving your Previous Clan(s):-  DX clan admin is my brother he said me leave this clan other wise i will beat you iam leaved and TNC is Closed  for some many issuse's TnA is also closed

Are You Banned In Any Server?:-Yes EC to spawnkill but iam improve my spawnkill motion

Narrative Section:-

Why do you wish to join UF:- I liked UF from the beginning because of friendly behavior of the clan members.The clan members are polite, having nice attitude. And I like the UF management. The clan members are united and they are like a family. and ihave many friends in UF clan Like Bloodclan Kyle Daffy Stubborn and many players

Have you applied in UF before? [ if so, explain what improvements have you made. ]:- This is my first time to iam applying uf clan

Additional Information:-
I only wish to be accepted. Thanks

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