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Messages - Saladin

Pages: [1]
Denied Applications / Re: Application - Saladin
« on: July 12, 2016, 08:38:38 pm »
1.- What do you mean by NYB and DS are bad? can you explain a bit more? so that we can understand the actuall reason behind leaving your previous clans.
Ans.- Bad Mean Bad.
2.- What do you mean by " some are my enemies " ??
Ans.- Some Players are my enemies.
3.- How many of UF members you are acquainted with?
Ans.- UF Taweel And More
4.- You said you like this clan as you like others, then what made you to apply here? why didn't you choose any other clan? if all clans are same for you.
Ans.- Because i think it is the best clan of VC:MP.
5.- Playing for 5 years, and don't have any past nick really? Tell us about your past. because i do not think that you are playing since 2011.
Ans.- I am Right!

Denied Applications / [DENIED]Application - Saladin
« on: July 12, 2016, 05:28:34 pm »
Which game do you play? [ VC:MP or SA:MP ]: VC:MP

Real Name: Muhammad.Hammad

Current Nickname: Saladin

Previous Nicknames: None.

How old are you: 15

Country: Pakistan

Servers you mostly play on: EC,VKS,DDRP

VC-MP Experience: 5 Years

Previous Clans: NYB,DS,DD

Reason of leaving your previous Clans: NYB And DS Is bad,
DD Is Closed

Reason for joining us: i like this clan as much as i like other clans but this clan members are fully matured , some are my enemies and some of them are my friends , i would like to say to voters to mention a reason so i can start working on that , i already mentioned bout that am working on my attitude as much as i can and i won't disappoint UF in anyway.

Additional Information: I am widely interested in joining this gang as it is the best in VC:MP with its experienced members. I honestly wish to be part of this clan.

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