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Messages - Decent_946

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16 17 ... 31
Hello Papa,

After discussing about you in our private boards, we have reached to a positive result. Your Clan Application has been accepted as Trainee. You may now where UFt tag wherever you go around VCMP.

Welcome to the Family!

- UF Management

General Discussion / Re: Hello
« on: April 28, 2017, 11:00:55 pm »
Welcome to Pakistan mate! ;)

 Worry about anything here. Take your time and enjoy!

News And Announcements / Re: Fulton_619 - Promoted to full member.
« on: April 28, 2017, 08:13:08 am »
Congratulations !!  ;)
 Very well deserved!

Denied Applications / Re: [DENIED]AppLicaTion-PyTh
« on: April 26, 2017, 12:13:35 am »
Hello Pyth,

Thanks for showing your interest towards UF. After a quite long private discussion regarding your clan joining application, we have reached to the final result. Unfortunately, Your application has been denied. For Reason: Negative votes. You may re-apply next month after you have come to know more about our clan's terms and services.

Voting Results:
Positive: 2
Negative: 6
Neutral: 0

-UF Management.

Hello QW.Jester,

After a very long discussion, we have reached to a positive result. Your Clan Application has been accepted as Trainee. You may now where UFt tag wherever you go around VCMP.

Welcome to the Family!

- UF Management

Denied Applications / Re: Clan Application - Shadow.JacK^
« on: April 23, 2017, 02:28:39 pm »
Hello Shadow.Jack,

Thanks for applying in UF. Your application is being discussed among us in ohr private boards
 We'll get back to you soon. Till then, have some patience.

- UF Management.

Hello Jester,

We apologize for keeping you in waiting list that much long. While your application is still being discussed. Our members view is changing towards you. It could be positive as well as negative. I just want to know if you are still interested. If yes, your application's result will be announced in next 30 hours.

News And Announcements / Re: [Denied]Edward's App
« on: April 18, 2017, 02:39:12 pm »
Hello Lucky,

Thanks for showing your interest towards UF. After discussing about you for a very long time, we have come to the conclusion to Deny your application. For reason: You are not ready yet. Try to be ' YOU '. Don't let others make you. You may re-apply whenever you think you are capable to get in here.

Voting Results:
Positive: 0
Negative: 4
Neurtal: 0

-UF Management

Denied Applications / Re: [DENIED]AppLicaTion-PyTh
« on: April 16, 2017, 10:53:03 am »
Hey PyTh,
Thanks for applying here. I have some question and would like to express that you haven't applied by filling up our application forum but you have just copied that FORMAT and started a new topic. It isn't a big deal anyway.

Why do you wish to join Unique Force?:- I personally liked this clan alot. And also few of the members in this clan are my friends.
So, you liked our clan. Which means you are not interested anymore. Or i am guessing wrong?

Have you applied in UF before? [ if so, explain what improvements have you made. ]:- YEs , i applied first and accepted also. But because i was leaving VCMP i left it And now i rejoined VCMP.
If you read up the statement carefully, it says if you had applied before here and got denied then we would like to know the improvements you have made since your last application. While you have just written that you had applied.
-> If you were also a part of this crew in past ( i guess i wasn't here at that time ) You ought to mention this thing in the the " Past Clans & Reason for leaving your past clan "

News And Announcements / Re: New member - Elissa
« on: April 15, 2017, 03:03:36 pm »
Welcome to The Future!

Denied Applications / Re: [DENIED]Clan Application - PAPA
« on: April 15, 2017, 03:02:18 pm »
Applicants wish is to be fullfilled.


Accepted Applications / Re: Clan Application - Elissa
« on: April 11, 2017, 12:36:54 pm »
Hello Elissa,

Thanks for applying in UF. Your application is beign discussed among us in our private boards. We will get back to you very soon. Till then, have some patience.

-UF Management.

I have just a simple n single question. That is,

-> What made UF your favourite clan ? While there are other number of popular clans in VCMP.

News And Announcements / Re: Sorry mate
« on: April 01, 2017, 04:49:16 pm »

Good Luck where ever you go!

Off Topic / Re: Password Reset Options
« on: March 27, 2017, 10:50:36 pm »
Hello T.R.K,

Thanks for informing about the issue. Currently, we are wokring on a update of the forum. It might have caused this issue. It will be fixed very soon.

You can PM me the pass you want to set. I'll change your password and let you know about it.

Denied Applications / Re: [Denied]Clan Application - QW.Jester
« on: March 26, 2017, 09:10:20 am »
Hello Jester,

Thanks for showing your interest towards UF. After a very long discussion about you we've come to the conclusion to deny your application. Reason: you're not yet acquainted with most of our clan members which leads us to a doubt. To some of the member you shown yourself but the result has not been satisfactory. Try to hang out with us in game ( lw, ec, ctf ) and come to know more about us so that we can also be familiar with you. You may re-apply next month after you've made good relations with our clan members.

Voting Results:
4 - Positive.
2 - Neutral.
3 - Negative.


-UF Management.

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