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Topics - KaSuMi

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / Exact location
« on: May 24, 2018, 09:06:23 pm »
Many members of UF are confused on my location , let me clarify where I live exactly . My mother and father are Pakistani and they got married they migrated to USA to have better environment for their children . Currently I am in Pakistan with my grandfather and grandmother. In every summer vacation My parents use to spent there time with there parents. My parents like travelling , A week ago I was at Germany and then USA to backup things and then in Pak.
Off-Topic: does this server really react like this , I just got crashed and they banned me .

Denied Applications / Clan Application - KaSuMi^
« on: May 21, 2018, 02:49:00 pm »

Real Name:- Diana

Age/D.O.B:- 16  3/12/2002

Country:- United States Of America

Timezone:- UTC -4


Game, which you play:- Both VC:MP and SAMP

Current Nickname:- KaSuMi^

Previous Nicknames:- BlacKcaT^ , [RR]Catwomen

Playing Since [ Share us your VC:MP History ]:- I started to play VC:MP since 2009 but only for 2 years because of studies  . Since 2017 , I played samp for 1 year and then joined VC:MP.

Server's You are mostly online in:- In now a days , I am especially online in Vks Server.

Previous Clan(s):- In 0.3z I joined 2 clans FF and RR which are no more alive.

Reason for Leaving your Previous Clan(s):- FF clan was closed due to none of them was active and RR due to leaving VC:MP.

Are you banned in any server?:- Nope.


Why do you wish to join Unique Force?:- It's really a nice question , I am interested to join UF clan due to the loyalty , honesty and highly respected members.I firstly saw many clans like TRC , TLK , ON and I was really interested to join them but after watching their behavior  , and sharing hacks changed my mind. But then meet many members of UF clan , which made me to join them due to their loyalty.

Have you applied in UF before? [ if so, explain what improvements have you made. ]:- Nope.


Additional Information:- None.

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