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Messages - MarineForce

Pages: [1] 2 3
Denied Applications / Re: Clan Application | RaisanI
« on: September 16, 2019, 12:09:10 pm »
Do you think you are going to get my vote if you reply me rudely instead of actually answering the question?
yet, i was saying you to don't kill but you still was shooting at me . so i abuse you.

Denied Applications / Re: Clan Application | RaisanI
« on: September 16, 2019, 11:45:57 am »
What about TkD?
I even saw you abusing me.


Denied Applications / [X] Clan Application | RaisanI
« on: September 16, 2019, 01:11:58 am »

this section would describe your personality

Age : 14

Country : PaKisTan

Timezone : GMT + 5

your ingame experience

Game, which you play : VC:MP

Current Nickname : RaisanI

Previous Nicknames : MarineForce,Fikoo,Fawad,Do,Kechup

Playing Since [ Share us your VC:MP History ] : I started Playing VC:MP from 2014 and leaved it in 2017 for 3 months. Because there was no any fun in VC:MP times. after new servers and updates come to vc:mp so i come back .

Server's You are mostly online in : EC,LW,CTF,EAD,RTV,PTP

Previous Clan(s) : TkD,RK,DmC

Reason for Leaving your Previous Clan(s) : inactive

Are you banned in any server?:- Argonath for Ban-Evasion : Unban Appeal >;topicseen#new

this section decides the outcome of your application

Why do you wish to join Unique Force? : i wish to join UF. its a cool clan and better skills and my brother is also in this clan , and this clan have many players with good skills and its a old clan and some better things in this clan i seen ya i will be interested in clan when i join it.

Have you applied in UF before? [ if so, explain what improvements have you made. ] : Yes,  i m sorry for my last application , my blood presure was very high when i saw the reply of jamboo xD.

Additional Notes : Hope you guyz know me .

Denied Applications / Re: Clan Application | Raisani*IS
« on: August 03, 2019, 10:28:07 pm »

You  recently has been denied in MK, now why did you choose UF? Any special reason?
then denied my app.

Denied Applications / [DENIED] Clan Application | Raisani*IS
« on: August 03, 2019, 10:07:57 pm »

this section would describe your personality

Age : 14/2005,6,9

Country : Pakistan

Timezone : GMT + 5

your ingame experience

Game, which you play : VC:MP

Current Nickname : Raisani*IS

Previous Nicknames : MarineForce,Jack_sparrow,Uliam.fikoo,kechup,kashif,don,ulamin,fawad

Playing Since [ Share us your VC:MP History ] : i m playing Since from 2014-2015 i have been played game as like 5 years, my first server was EC. i leaved playing in 2017 and come back in 2018 and my skills become more better than old. my skills are cool but my community skills are so weak.

Server's You are mostly online in : EAD,LW,CTF,EA,Empire-Gaming,PTP,EC,EvoDM,CvH

Previous Clan(s) : TkD,RK,DmC,MF

Reason for Leaving your Previous Clan(s) : my first clan was TkD and it was created in 2016 we have been played many clan wars matchs in LW server with many clans and we was the winners of the wars. but suddenly all members gone and clan become weak and inactive so i closed it and i started new clan in 2017 and that is RK it was the best clan with cool skills but many players are from others country they always speaks spainish they don't understand more much english like me.and in 2018 i got inactive bcz of my pc rip and my exams tooo. so Clan gone down. and yep i still was running it but no more members only 2 so i closed it.
MF was also my clan one of them but when we raped players they says motherfuckers so its look like very shaming.
so i closedit
DmC i was planning agian it to join but Members Gone
so i interested to a cool clan like UF. and i know UF is also going to down . i promise i do Matchs with biggest clans of VC-MP and if we lose i leave the vc-mp see now!!!!

Are you banned in any server?:- Yes Argonath i m still replying but they banning me from Forum i don't know whats problem of that. i message him in discord they blocked me for fuck sake. bawaser admins..
and i got banned for Death Match i killed only kiki and got banned WTF? for 2 years only killed a player.

this section decides the outcome of your application

Why do you wish to join Unique Force? : i want to make this clan one of the biggest clan of vc-mp and it is very cool and strong clan. and manys of my frnds are played with this clan so i also want to play with this clan and i hope i don't leave it. you guyz can check my skills how they are cool.

Have you applied in UF before? [ if so, explain what improvements have you made. ] : Yes, i have improved my self. i know that i improved my self and my community skills!

Off Topic / Im sorry
« on: January 11, 2019, 10:42:31 pm »

i Copy Your Format App Bcz i reset my forum and i can't get back my old forum format app X:

Can Some one help me to make this forum Great? PLX?

 :-* :-\ :-[ :P ??? :o :( >:( ;D :D ;) :) ":X:"_+_:P:

Off Topic / what happen if i join
« on: November 29, 2018, 04:57:48 pm »
What Happens if i leave RK leader and JOIN NYB Leader?
:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P


Vice City And VC-MP Discussion / Re: RK
« on: June 11, 2018, 03:06:13 am »
i didn't find my ranks logo
my old forum closed

ok see this ranks made by me

ur best and my

Vice City And VC-MP Discussion / Re: RK
« on: June 04, 2018, 07:12:42 pm »

Vice City And VC-MP Discussion / Re: RK
« on: June 04, 2018, 06:47:35 pm »
All members who were in-active are kicked due to zero interests in-game and communication between RK members.

Rampage Killers
Life invaders, heart takers!

New Members

1. =RK=Jack_Sparrow/MarineForce


Full Members
1. =RK=Nurlan/Kurnaz
2. =RK=Daimon
3. =RK=Bane
4. =RK=ReduX^
5. [RK]R4IY!/Pirates
6. [RK]Sergio_David
Rookie Members
1. [RK_r]ZBB
4. [RK_r]Amir

Traniee Members
1. [RK_T]Capo
2. [RK_T]Tricola

Total Members:  14
Leader: 1
Co-Leader: 1
Moderator: 1
Full Member: 4
Rookie Members: 2
Traniee Members: 3

clan discord:
clan forum :

Clan Rules:

1. RK Clan is now an official clan. So, if you're a member of RK clan you must wear it tag, wherever you go around vc-mp (ex tags: [RK] , =RK=, RK.)
2. Any of members suspected for serious cheating will be kicked immediately.
3. You must respect all members of your clan whether it's your senior or junior.
4. Whenever our member(s) need help, a member is supposed to help him if possible.
5. If you've seen any of our clan members disrespecting you or the image of RK clan, or he's breaking any of these rules you should report him to your seniors first.
6. You must notify us before going inactive for a long time (ie for a month or longer)
7. You must be daily online on forums as well in-game. Rule 6 is to be followed.
8. Do not ask for any kind of promotions, you will be promoted if you deserve it.
9. Respect not only the clan members also the outdoor players.
10. Don't take this too seriously, its just a game. Just chill.
11. As member of RK all following all the above rules you must follow the game server rules too.

Rules will be updated time to time....

Off Topic / Re: Helpers ;D
« on: June 03, 2018, 11:35:41 pm »
yeah pass word wronge hai bhai

ask luchgox he added this Xd

Off Topic / Re: Post a lie
« on: June 03, 2018, 03:39:25 pm »
zubi dead

Off Topic / Re: Helpers ;D
« on: June 03, 2018, 03:35:06 am »
Now you Can Download Android games Too :PPPPPPPPPP

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